My  main focus for today is what is written in the picture (the quote) which says “God gives us what we need not what we want”.

Many a times, we mistake WANT with NEED and the two don’t mean the same thing.  WANT is a mere desire for something WHILE NEED is something that is REQUIRED!   Now back to my quote. God will never want to hurt us so he gives us what is required (i.e NEED)  and not our mere desire (WANT) BUT sometimes a need might be a want and that is why when we pray for something and  God answers our prayer because we actually want that thing and God also says we need it.

Sometimes, we pray and our prayers don’t seem to be answered not because God didn’t hear us but because we don’t need that thing ( it is not required)  but to us we might think is required, that is why God knows best, he will never try to hurt us.  We also pray sometimes and the answer doesn’t come immediately because it’s not yet time ( remember God’s timing is different from ours and is the BEST!) Or other times he has better plans for us! I want to focus on a scripture and it is taken from the Jeremiah 29:11 – ” For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil plans to give you an EXPECTED end”.  So God doesn’t have evil plans for us . He has better infact the BEST plans for us all and Everything that is for our peace and will work together for our own good. Just keep loving and trusting God and I assure you, he will NEVER FAIL YOU! 😇


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